Introducing A Brand New Addition To The Community 4 Impact — Rescate

2 min readDec 21, 2020


Today’s new addition is special. Not only has it been an agent of great change and leadership in a time of endless uncertainty for refugees and beyond, but also happens to have the most interesting story of origin.

The origin of Rescate began with Albert Einstein establishing a support network that helps Europeans escape the Nazi threat through the International Rescue Committee (IRC). IRC then consequently opened the IRC Spain chapter which corroborated with UNHCR and reconstituted itself over time to what is widely known as ‘Rescate’ today.

Today the projects from Rescate have benefitted over 1 million people, across over 10 countries and 4 continents. Their outstanding work has been acknowledged by many and it gives us immense pleasure to announce our collaboration for strengthening a unified goal of impact that multiplies and gives back-to every giver involved.

Brand 4 Impact envisions a world where corporates can donate to NGOs in the most user-friendly and transparent way possible with complete traceability — at no subscription cost to the NGOs and corporates. Currently, we are accepting requests from NGOs to join our upcoming platform.

If you are an NGO (with a fiscal presence in Spain) looking at receiving corporate funding (or know someone at an NGO you like), feel free to reach us at and we will take it from there!

About Rescate

Rescate is a Spanish non-profit association dedicated since 1960 to serve refugees, victims of conflicts, violence and natural disasters in their countries of origin and destination, paying special attention to the most vulnerable, women and minors.




Brand 4 Impact is a platform for companies to donate to NGOs with 100% transparency. Our vision is to create a win-win world where generosity meets impact.